2 Standards, definitions and books T 19


2.1 Standards

QSE purposes and standards

Jokes on QSE


The most commonly used standards for integrated management system are:

The three standards are generic because they apply to any business, without any constraint on the size, activity or type. The scope of the integrated QSEquality, safety, environment management system is determined and a documented information is maintained. 

Similarities and differences in the purpose of the three standards are shown in figure 2-1:

purpose qms

purpose oh&sms

purpose ems
Figure 2-1. Purpose of QSE standards

Another demonstration of the close relationship between QSE standards is the common standard ISO 19011 (2011): "Guidelines for auditing management systems."

A BritishPAS (publicly available specification) is dedicated to the integration of management systems: 

The ISO 14004: 2016 standard "Environmental management systems - General guidelines on principles, systems and technical implementation" contains many explanations, practical tips and examples.

ISO 14031: 2021 "Environmental Management - Environmental performance evaluation - Guidelines" shows how to set up and use the environmental performance evaluation (EPE) and the analysis of the life cycle to find improvement points. Its commitment to compliance with legal and regulatory requirementsexplicit or implicit need or expectation (see also ISO 9000, 3.1.2), pollution prevention and continuous improvement can be evaluated with the help of indicators. 

ISO 14005: 2019 "Environmental management systems - Guidelines for the phased implementation of an environmental management system, including the use of environmental performance evaluation" shows how to implement an environmental management system in 3 phases, 19 clauses and 72 steps.

ISO 14044: 2006 "Environmental management - Life cycle assessment - Requirements and Guidelines" specifies requirements and provides guidelines for conducting life cycle assessments.

ISO 14063: 2020 "Environmental Communication" provides guidance on general principles, policy, strategy and activities relating to internal and external environmental communication.

ISO 14050: 2020 "Environmental management - Vocabulary" provides definitions of basic concepts, directly related to environmental management.

ISO 31000: 2018 "Risk management - Guidelines" establishes the principles and risk management process, risk assessment and risk treatment.

All of these standards and many more can be ordered in electronic or paper format on the ISO site. 

More than 28,000 standards (in English and other languages) are available for free on the Public.Resource.Org site.

The Oxebridge Q001 is a user-friendly, open source remix of ISO 9001:2015.

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2.2 Definitions

Terms and definitions


The beginning of wisdom is the definition of terms. Socrates

Most of the terms and definitions of the QSEquality, safety, environment standards are identical. A small part of terms has slightly different definitions. 

Specific quality terms:

Customeranyone who receives a product
Customer satisfactiontop priority objective of every quality management system related to the satisfaction of customer requirements
External provider (supplier): an entity that provides a product
Nonconformitynon-fulfillment of a specified requirement
Product (or service)every result of a process or activity
Qualityaptitude to fulfill requirements
Quality managementactivities allowing the control of an organization with regard to quality
Quality objectiverelated to quality, measurable goal that must be achieved

Specific health and safety terms:

Acceptable risk: risk reduced to a tolerable level
Accident: undesired event causing death or health and environmental damages
Emergency situation: event that poses a serious threat to life, health, property or the environment
Hazard: situation that could lead to an incident
Incident: undesired event that could lead to health damages
Occupational health and safety (OHS): everything that can influence the wellbeing of the personnel in a company
Safety: aptitude to avoid an undesired event :

Specific environmental terms:

Environment: space in which any organization functions
Environmental aspect: every element of an organization that interacts with the environment  :
Environmental impact: every change in the environment caused by an organization  :
Environmental objective: environment related, measurable goal that must be achieved  :
Environmental performance: measurable results of the environmental management system

Some common terms:

Competence: personal skills, knowledge and experiences 
Conformityfulfillment of a specified requirement 
Corrective actionaction to eliminate the cause of nonconformity or any other undesirable event and to prevent their recurrence 
Documented informationany suport allowing the treatment of information 
Effectivenesscapacity to realize planned activities with minimum effort
Efficiencyfinancial relationship between achieved results and used resources 
Indicatorvalue of a parameterassociated with an objective, allowing the objective measure of its effectiveness
Interested party: person, group or company that can affect or be affected by an organization
Management systemset of processes allowing objectives to be achieved
Organization (company)a structure that satisfies a need
Processactivities that transform inputs into outputs
Top managementgroup or persons in charge of the company's control at the highest level
Risk: likelihood of occurrence of a threat or an opportunity

In the terminology of integrated management systems, do not confuse:

Remark 1: the use of ISO 9000, ISO 45001 and ISO 14001 definitions is recommended. The most important thing is to determine a common and unequivocal vocabulary for everyone in the company.

Remark 2: the customer can also be the user, the beneficiary, the trigger, the ordering party or the consumer.

Remark 3: documented information is any information that we must maintain (procedure ) or retain (record ).

For other definitions, comments, explanations and interpretations that you don’t find in this module and annex 06, you can consult: explications record

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2.3 Books

Books on QSE management systems


explicationsBooks for further reading on QSE systems:

When I think of all the books still left for me to read, I am certain of further happiness. Jules Renard

 Minute of relaxation. Game: Procedure

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