3 Definitions T 40

Terms, definitions and books related to food safety and audits


The beginning of wisdom is the definition of terms. Socrates

Some terms and definitions currently used in management systems and audits:

Accidentundesired event causing death or health and environmental damages
Audit client: everyone requesting an audit
Audit conclusions: outcome of an audit
Audit criteria: everything against which audit evidence is compared
Audit findings: every deviation from audit criteria
Auditee: everyone who is audited
Auditor: everyone who is trained to conduct audits
Competencepersonal skills, knowledge and experiences
Conformity: fulfillment of a specified requirement
Continual improvement: permanent process allowing the improvement of the global performance of the organization
Control: ensure compliance with the specified criteria
Customer: anyone who receives a product
Deviation: failure to meet a given threshold
Document (documented information): any support allowing the treatment of information
End product: any final result of a process or an activity
Hazard: situation that could lead to a potential incident
Incident: undesired event that could lead to health damages
Interested party: person, group or company affected by the impacts from an organization
Nonconformity: non-fulfillment of a specified requirement
Organization: a structure that satisfies a need
Problem: the distance that has to be overcome between real and desired situation
Procedure: set of actions to carry out a process
Product (or service): every result of a process or activity
Quality: aptitude to fulfil requirements
Record: document providing objective evidence of achieved results
Requirement: explicit or implicit need or expectation
Review: survey of a file, product, process so to verify whether preset objectives are achieved
Risklikelihood of occurrence of a threat or an opportunity
Stakeholder: person, group or company that can affect or be affected by an organization
Supplier: an entity that provides a product
Work environment: set of human and physical factors in which work is carried out

Examples of interested parties: investitors, customers, suppliers, employees and social, public or political organizations

Some terms and definitions specific to food safety:

Control measureactivity to prevent, eliminate or reduce a hazard to the safety and suitability of the food or reduce it to an accemtable level
Correction: any action to eliminate or transform a potentially dangerous product
Critical Control Point (CCP)stage at which a control must be applied to prevent, eliminate or reduce a food safety hazard or to bring it back to an acceptable level
Critical limitcriterion for determining whether a CCP is under control
Food: every product intended for nourishment
FS: Food Safety
Food hazardpotential harmful effect of a biological, chemical or physical nature on people’s health following the consumption of food
Food hygienemeans and conditions to control food hazards and to guarantee the food safety and suitability
Food safety: absence of harm to the consumer when food is prepared and/or consumed according to its intended use
Food suitabilityensuring that food when consumed as intended, is acceptable to the consumer
FSMS: Food Safety Management System
Good manufacturing practice: all the preventive activities that are necessary for food production under acceptable hygienic conditions
HACCPHazard Analysis Critical Control Point. System for the control of the hazards that threaten food safety
HACCP methodtool of reasoning that makes it possible to identify, evaluate and control the food safety hazards
Incidentundesired event that can lead to deterioration of health
Operational prerequisite program (oPRP)set of essential processes and conditions guaranteeing the control of the probability of the introduction, contamination or proliferation of food safety hazards
Prerequisite program (PRP)set of processes and conditions guaranteeing safe end products for the consumer
Recallmeasure preventing the consumption of unsafe food after distribution or sale
Validation (food): establishment of the evidence to determine whether the FSMS is in conformity and effective
Verification (food): examination of evidence to determine whether the FSMS is in conformity and effective
Withdrawal: measure preventing the distribution or the sale of an unsafe food

In the terminology of food safety management systems, do not confuse the following:

Remark 1: each time you use the term "improvement opportunity" instead of nonconformity, malfunction or failure, the auditee will gain a little more confidence in you.

Remark 2: the use of ISO 19011, ISO 22000 and ISO 9000 definitions is recommended. The most important thing is to determine  a common and unequivocal vocabulary for everyone in the company.

Remark 3: the customer can also be the user, the beneficiary, the initiator, the client, the prime contractor, the consumer.
Remark 4: ISO 19011 version 2018 uses the terms procedure (procedure ), record (rec ) and documented information together. We also use the terms procedure and record together with the term documented information.

For other definitions, comments, explanations and interpretations that you don’t find in this module and annex 06, you can consult: explicationsrec

explicationsBooks for further reading on internal audits:

smileyMinute of relaxation. Paganini's violin concert performed with facial expressions.

When I think of all the books still left for me to read, I am certain of further happiness. Jules Renard

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