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T 39v18D - Free demo course E-Learning internal audit integrated QSE management system version 2018

Free demo E-Learning (online course) - Conduct an internal audit of your QSE: 2018 integrated management system and your processes

T 39v18D - Free demo course E-Learning internal audit integrated QSE management system version 2018
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T 39v18D - Free demo course E-Learning internal audit integrated QSE management system version 2018
  • Number of hours: 3 Hours
  • Added the: 02/01/2019
  • Last update: 14/03/2024
See other trainings

See the online course T 19v18 IMS QSE readiness

See the online training package T 69v18 IMS QSE


  Result of the training satisfaction survey : 83% Last update on September 04, 2024


 Overall good. Damien. 12/06/2024

Description of the online course internal audit of your integrated QSE management system

Discover the internal audit in a QSE certified company and

  • locate the audit in the QSE approach
  • identify the stakes
  • understand the requirements
  • control the tools

Get used to

The important and fundamental elements of an internal audit

  • scope
  • normative references
  • principles
  • audit program (responsibilities, records)
  • audit conducting (objectives, evidence, conclusions)
  • auditor competence (knowledge, training)

The menu of the course

  • Presentation
  • MCT (multiple-choice test) Beginning (10 questions)
  • 1 Scope
  • 2 Normative references
  • 3 Definitions
  • 4 Principles
    • 4.1 Management principles
    • 4.2 Audit principles
    • 4.3 IMS performance
  • MCT Internal audit (7 questions)
  • 5 Audit program
    • 5.1 General
    • 5.2 Objectives
    • 5.3 Risks
    • 5.4 Establishing
    • 5.5 Implementing
    • 5.6 Monitoring
    • 5.7 Reviewing and improving
  • Case New risk
  • Case Audit program
  • MCT Audit program (11 questions)
  • 6a Audit preparation
    • 6.1 General
    • 6.2 Initiating
      • 6.2.1 First contact
      • 6.2.2 Situations and feasibility
    • 6.3 Preparing the audit
      • 6.3.1 Document review
      • 6.3.2 Audit plan
  • Case Nonconformities
  • Case Audit readiness
  • MCT Audit preparation (8 questions)
  • 6b Coduct an audit
    • 6.4 Audit activities
      • 6.4.1 Opening meeting
      • 6.4.2 Audit evidence
      • 6.4.3 Audit conclusions
    • 6.5 Audit report
    • 6.6 Completing the audit
    • 6.7 Audit follow-up
  • Case Audit finding
  • Case Audit report
  • Case Management review
  • MCT Conduct an audit (8 questions)
  • 7 Competence and evaluation of auditors
    • 7.1 General
    • 7.2 Auditor competence
    • 7.3 Evaluation criteria
    • 7.4 Evaluation methods
    • 7.5 Auditor evaluation
    • 7.6 Improving competence
  • Case Auditor question
  • MCT Auditor competence (7 questions)
  • MCT End (20 questions)

Read more about the online course IMS QSE internal audit

To conduct an audit according to ISO 19 011 in order to:

  • identify improvement opportunities
  • increase the satisfaction of interested parties
  • evaluate the performance of the QSE integrated management system

Basic knowledge of ISO 9001, ISO 45001 and ISO 14 001, rudiments of ISO 19011

Any person involved in the implementation and maintenance of an QSE integrated management system:

  • QSE management system project leader
  • manager
  • quality director
  • QSE manager
  • quality manager
  • sustainable development manager
  • metrology manager
  • safety manager
  • maintenance manager
  • project leader
  • internal auditor (present or future)
  • quality technician
  • quality assistant
  • quality operator
  • person in charge of specific system, process or product audit
  • future auditee
  • student

20 hours online on average (according to knowledge and aptitudes this duration can vary individually). One hour of online training is equivalent to at least 2 hours of training on the spot

The methods how to organize and conduct the audit:

  • build the audit plan
  • control the questionnaire
  • know how to avoid the conflicts
  • analyse the documents
  • show the strong points
  • detect the improvement opportunities
  • make so that conclusions are accepted
  • write the audit report
  • initiate the actions
  • follow-up the actions

Methods and tools

  • dedicated Internet site
  • specific online training module
  • Open and Distance Learning (ODL)
  • your training history:
    • the time you have passed on each clause and sub-clause of the module
    • the record of the score of all your trials of the MCTs (multiple-choice tests)
  • level test at beginning of the training
  • MCTs with comments, notes on a 20 point scale and recommendations
  • videos
  • true stories
  • good practices
  • bad practices
  • case studies
  • jokes
  • games
  • online tutorial :
    • a follow up of acquired material and the progress of each trainee
    • online or by e-mail within 24 hours
    • personalized answers to questions
    • advice and recommendations about documents, books and useful links
  • delivered certificate of attendance and mastery at the end of the training (example)

Access to the course is 60 days from the date of validation of your order. This period will be renewed for free upon a simple request within 6 months

Here is a MCT (Multiple-choice test) to evaluate, before beginning, the level of your knowledge for this course. (One or more correct answers are possible). You can start again as many times you wish.

None 1. The results of the process internal audit:

None 2. The objectives of an audit program are influenced by:

None 3. The person managing the audit program, among other things, will:

None 4. The implementation of the audit program requires:

None 5. The records related to the audits, among other things, contain the:

None 6. Improving the audit program takes into account the:

None 7. The feasibility of an audit is determined by:

None 8. The audit preparation, among other things, contains:

None 9. The collected sources of information can be, for example:

None 10. The auditor has knowledge and controls the application of: