Thursday, October 24 2024



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readiness audits tools packages
Readiness training Audit training Quality tools training Training packages (you save 75 €)
T 15v15 
ISO 9001 readiness version 2015
T 35v15 
Internal audit ISO 9001 version 2015
T 55v19
FMEA approach
T 75v15 
Training package ISO 9001 version 2015
 T 16v16
IATF 16949 readiness version 2016
promo du mois T 36v16
Internal audit IATF 16949 version 2016
T 56
Kaizen approach
T 76v16
Training package IATF 16949 version 2016
T 17v15 
ISO 14001 readiness version 2015
T 37v15 
Internal audit ISO 14001 version 2015
T 57
COQ approach
T 77v15 
Training package ISO 14001 version 2015
T 18v18
ISO 45001 readiness version 2018
T 38v18 
Internal audit ISO 45001 version 2018
T 58
Quality manager
T 78v18 
Training package ISO 45001 version 2018
T 19v18 
IMS QSE readiness version 2018
T 39v18 
Internal audit SMI QSE version 2018
T 59
Lean approach
T 79v18 
Training package IMS QSE version 2018
ISO 22000 readiness version 2018
T 40v18 
ISO 22000 Internal audit version 2018
T 60
Happiness in the liberated company
 T 80v18 
Training package ISO 22000 version 2018 
T 21v16 
AS9100D readiness version 2016
T 41v16 
Internal audit AS9100D version 2016
T 61v18
Risk management ISO 31000 version 2018
T 81v16 
Training package AS9100 version 2016 
T 22v16 
ISO 13485 readiness version 2016
T 42v16 
Internal audit ISO 13485 version 2016
T 62
QSE manager
 T 82v16 
Training package ISO 13485 version 2016 
T 23v07 
ISO 22716 readiness version 2007
T 43v07 
Internal audit ISO 22716 version 2007
T 63v20
Project management ISO 21502 version 2020
T 83v07 
Training package ISO 22716 version 2007
T 24v22
ISO 27001 readiness version 2022
T 44v22 
Internal audit ISO 27001 version 2022
T 64v19 
Risk maagement ISO 14971 version 2019

  T 84v22
Training package ISO 27001 version 2022


T 25v16
ISO 37001 readiness version 2016
T 45v16
Internal audit ISO 37001 version 2016

T 85v16
Training package ISO 37001 version 2016 


promo du mois T 26v19
ISO 22301 readiness version 2019
 T 46v19
Internal audit ISO 22301 version 2019
    T 86v19
Training package ISO 22301 version 2019

promo du mois promotion of the month


  • General information about online training
  • How does it work?
  • Choose your training
  • Glossary
  • Tips for being effective during online training
  • FAQs
  • Pedagogy
  • More quotes
  • How can I not find us on the Internet?

General terms of use


General information about online training

How do you comply with customer special feature definitions and symbols?

How do you know that results from the product and process design stages are part of the management review input?

How is product and process development activity monitoring information communicated to the customer?

How does design and development validation meet customer requirements and regulatory standards?

How do you plan the design and development validation times? PQB online training (elearning) is ODL training (open and distance learning) accessible 24 hours a day.

All training is linked to your management system (preparation and internal audit) with requirements and comments:

“Tools” type training covers the following steps:

You can learn more by watching the demonstration part of each training using the "Free demo" button. Example for T15 training: “ISO 9001 readiness demo”.

Do you like learning in a playful way fun teaching? If so, you are served: examples of online games.

No travel costs (transport and accommodation) and time savings. Better time management, stopping and starting again wherever and whenever you want. Better concentration, greater autonomy, possibility of going back at will to better assimilate the material. Everyone finds their own pace of progress and only acquires the required knowledge.

At the end of the training you can download your certificate of mastery and attendance.

And a significant advantage, you can, after having followed training, add it to the training courses on your CV.

Access to the training is 60 days. On simple request this period is renewed free of charge within 180 days.

In addition to access to the training, you can download the training annexes (documents provided) free of charge for one year and you benefit from all the improvements (modifications) made during this period!

how does it work?

All you need is access to the Internet and a validated account to acquire the required knowledge. Start your training when you need it. Train yourself when and where you want. Achieve your goals at your own pace.

All our online training courses begin with a 10-question MCT (multiple choice test) to assess your level. After each important chapter, a MCT is offered to you. Don't be afraid to make mistakes. You can return to a chapter or multiple choice questions whenever you want to improve on a specific point.

Depending on your knowledge and your needs, you can carry out additional research by accessing different resources (annexes, glossary, videos, books, help).

The online training courses are identified as modules, each module contains around ten chapters, each chapter has a few paragraphs of a few pages.


CHoose your training

Before choosing your training, answer the questions:

  • why this training? (need to strengthen my knowledge, find a job more easily)
  • will this training help me achieve my goals? (improve my professional situation, find a job more easily)
  • Is this the training I need? (understand the objective, the content, what you need to know at the end of the module)
  • who will pay ? (this training is appropriate to the current needs of the company, it is a change project)


Becoming familiar with specific vocabulary is a necessary prerequisite for fully understanding management systems. For this purpose a glossary of specific terms is accessible from each training module. You can also look at the definition of a word or expression at any time by hovering the mouse over a dotted link.

Tips for being effective during online training 

  • choose the times of day (or night) when you feel really fit
  • ask those around you not to disturb you during the training
  • stay focused during training



Frequently asked questions (FAQ). You will find many answers there. If this is not the case, do not hesitate to ask your question (CONTACT).


Educational support is provided throughout your training in the form of:

  • tutoring:
    • live (telephone consultations with your tutor)
  • asynchronous by email (personalized response to your email by your tutor within 24 hours)
  • monitoring the achievements and progress of each learner
  • videos
  • true stories
  • good practices
  • bad practices
  • case studies
  • jokes
  • games
  • advice, comments and recommendations on methods, documents and useful links

More quotes

Hundreds of popular and quality quotes in alphabetical order and a specific search engine

More quotes

How can i not find us on internet?


  • eleurning
  • elearnin
  • training on line
  • ilearning
  • isso
  • internal odit
  • processus
  • qualitty
  • qualitee
  • management sistem
  • questionaire
